The Historic Northeast Kansas City neighborhood, Lykins, is a culturally diverse, economically disadvantaged neighborhood located between Independence Avenue and Truman Road, Benton Boulevard and Hardesty Avenue. This neighborhood is conveniently located near downtown and the growing interest of the development community in Historic Northeast neighborhoods meant that Lykins, with just over 1,600 households and more than 200 vacant lots, needed a housing and development strategy to help guide conversations with the KCMO Land Bank and private developers. Our process studied the neighborhood’s assets and investments including local businesses, residential rehabilitations, city investment, social service providers, and faith-based community anchors. We also studied the challenges of the neighborhood, including crime hotspots, dumping, vacant, abandoned and unsafe properties, and polluting land uses. Residents and stakeholders formed Lykins’ first standing committee, the Housing and Development Committee.
To date, this committee has worked with the planning consultant to determine a focus area for development, provide feedback on performance guidelines for renovation and new development, and has attracted like-minded rehabbers and developers to begin property acquisition and project development. The planning process also employs four Lykins residents as community liaisons to expand the engagement process and attract a more diverse group of participants to the process. Current work includes defining measurements to track success on community goals, defining projects with developers, applying for predevelopment funding including funding for a part-time neighborhood staff to manage the housing redevelopment projects and begin a new workforce development program.
Existing Neighborhood Issues to Address
Existing Neighborhood Mapping
Lykins Neighborhood Base Map
Street Surface
Parking/Driveway Surface
Miscellaneous Impervious Ground Cover
Focus Area for Development
Lykins Neighborhood Zoning Map
Focus Area for Development
Surface Outline
Lykins Neighborhood Acquirable Properties Map
Landbank Property
- Tax Delinquent Properties
Property Owner Non-KCMO Resident
- Parcels not included in other categories
Focus Area for Development
Surface Outline
Lykins Square Park
E. 8th St.
E. 9th St.
E. 7th St.
E. 6th St.
Norton Ave
Myrtle Ave
Cleveland Ave
Spruce Ave
Jackson Ave
Neighborhood Asset and Investment Cataloging
Single Family Housing
Multifamily Housing
Neighborhood Single Family Housing Typology
Pitched Roof
Covered Porch with Square Corner Columns
Front Facing Entry Door
Front Elevated Porch
Fiber Cement Board Siding
Stone Base
Single Car Garage at Back of Property
Permeable Driveway Material
Transparent Fencing
Pitched Roof
Covered Porch with Square Corner Columns
Front Facing Entry Door
Front Elevated Porch
Wood Shingle Siding
Brick Base
Retaining Wall at Sidewalk
Kansas City, Missouri
Dave Shuck
Lykins Neighborhood Association President
Phase 1: January - March 2018
(HUD funding managed by Northeast Alliance Together)
Phase 2: April - December 2018
(COMBAT funding managed by Catholic Charities of Kansas City)
Additional Team Members
Neighborhood Legal Support of Kansas City, Inc.
Urban Farming Guys